to seem more images

I am proud to announce GRID IRON ART!

It has been in the making for several months and am excited to finally release it!

Do you like it?

Friday Night Lights

Friday Night Lights

SWPPA Competition Print 2011


#1 Quarterback in Texas 5A football, and he looks like it!

I spent weeks planning for this image, and was SOOO excited to finally see it in print.


Rock. Paper. Scissors

Rock. Paper. Scissors.

SWPPA Competition Print 2011


Definite Merit at National Competition

James LOVES to have his hair cut at Floyd's Barbershop at the Domain. I decided to take my camera, as he had gone once before, and the barber was quite memorable.

The image captured was not set up in any way, no direction was given;

it was taken as James sat and enjoyed every minute of all the attention.

This print is a favorite of many, and I may spend the rest of my career trying to create a print with it's emotional appeal, artistry, story, and love.

Blue, Plaid, & Paisley

Blue, Plaid, & Paisley

SWPPA Competition Print 2011

Score: 77

Thank you to Danny Pounds of Pounds Labs, we were both photographing Brad Paisley's Concert at the 2010 Aquapalooza on Lake Travis.

He was a true musician and showman, as he came down the ramp seen at the bottom of the image, and high-fived his fans and asked the lifeguards to sing along.

Concert goers were in swimsuits lounging on tubes and noodles on the shores of Lake Travis.

Everyone was fired up when the first few chords of "WATER" were heard.

What a great experience, and once in a lifetime image!

Measure Twice. Cut Once

Measure Twice, Cut Once.

2011 SWPPA Competition Print

This image was captured just after sunset on the course during a senior portrait session.
One would never guess, it is a 12 second exposure, the lights behind the subject are actually me running around him popping the flash to "paint the light" around him.
10 years ago, I glued 4 wallets to 100+ brochures fora professional photographer's program, during which I learned all about how to properly expose then paint with light
to create an image just like this.
If you know me at all, you will know the photographer I speak of.
Thank you Don.