In Others Words

"I LOOOOOVVVEEE the pictures and the slide show. They make me wanna cry (In a good way). I had to take a few minutes to tell you thank you for everything and how much we appreciate and love you. Talk to you soon"! ~ Kensley's Mom.

Coming to Jenny Rhea's studio for our Christmas portrait was a wonderful experience. Having two small children makes the prospect of a family picture a little daunting, but Jenny had everything ready to go when we showed up and the pictures only took a short time. After that, the kids could play in the playroom while my husband and I saw our portraits on Jenny's computer and we chose our Christmas card. This was so much better than our previous experience at a department store studio that was crowded and running behind. I highly recommend it to anyone who would like a stress-free experience along with a great portrait at a competitive price! Thanks Jenny!!!" ~ Heather & Jay